Adjust These Settings on the New Windows 10 20H2 Update

Since we can only have Halloween parties in Animal Crossing nowadays, I would’ve written off my favorite month were it not for one big milestone dropping soon: The Windows 10 20H2 update.

This isn’t a gigantic update packed full of wild features, but there are a few new settings and features that you might love or despise. And that’s fine! Microsoft has made it possible turn a number of these changes on or off. Where it hasn’t, a more creative approach can usually bring you back to the Windows 10 experience you previously preferred.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the more noteworthy changes that are coming to Windows 10 once 20H2 launches—today, ideally, since it’s Patch Tuesday. I’ll also walk you through how you can can readjust some of Microsoft’s changes to create the most ideal Windows 10 experience for you.

To note: Windows 10 20H2 is an optional update (for now), so Windows Update will have a specific callout when Windows 10 20H2 is widely available for everyone to try. You won’t get it through the normal “Check for updates” button; you also won’t miss the link for the optional update, as it’ll be right below the “Check for updates” button on this screen.

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