How Good Is Autofocus Using Adapted EF Lenses on the Canon EOS R5 and R6 Cameras?

The Canon EOS R5 and R6 cameras have created a lot of excitement in the photography world, and for the tons of photographers who already have deep investments in the EF lens library, the question of whether adapted performance can keep up with professional demands looms large. This great video shows you the kind of performance you can expect in real-world usage. 

Coming to you from Jared Polin, this excellent video takes a look at adapted lens autofocus performance using an EF-to-RF adapter on the Canon EOS R5 and EOS R6 cameras. The autofocus system on the new cameras is definitely impressive, but with the expensive prices of RF lenses and existing libraries of EF lenses many photographers own, the prevailing preference may be to instead adapt. Thankfully, it looks like adapted autofocus performance is fantastic, even in demanding situations. Personally, this is definitely great news, as I personally have a large EF lens library, and beyond that, the RF lens lineup simply does not have a lot of more esoteric options available yet, such as wide-aperture super-telephoto lenses, and you also get the additional features of the mirrorless system, such as eye and face tracking. Check out the video above to see what you can expect. 

Just How Good Is Animal AF on the New Canon EOS R5 and R6 Cameras?

The Canon EOS R5 and R6 cameras have generated a lot of buzz in the past few weeks, but one feature that has not gotten as much attention is their Animal AF capabilities. This great video takes a look at their performance and what you can expect from them in practice. 

Coming to you from Tony and Chelsea Northrup, this great video takes a look at the Animal AF on the new Canon EOS R5 and R6 cameras. Eye AF has been a real boon for lots of photographers in recent years, and the next step has been Animal AF, which can be huge for people like wildlife and pet photographers. It is especially impressive to see how well Canon’s implementation does, often picking out the eye of an animal that is fairly well camouflaged by its surroundings before it can even be noticed in the viewfinder. It is not perfect yet, though; as you will see in the video, there are still sometimes issues with tracking and precision. Nonetheless, it is very impressive technology that is sure to please lots of users, and it will only improve as time goes on. Check out the video above for the Northrups’ full thoughts.